Daily Archives: December 30, 2014


As many of you know there has been an application submitted for the erection of 25 dwellings on the field known as Betty’s Field.  The application has 15 working days allowance for comments to be made by the Parish Council and the public (this is the standard time allowance).

I have been in contact with the case officer to extend this deadline, she has refused, and while I will continue to pursue the matter I think its best that we assume there is no extension and put replies in in good time, holidays or not.  She assures me that it is quite normal for a case to take a few weeks to be validated given the workload of the case officer and the size of the application.

There is going to be an extraordinary Parish Council meeting on Sunday the 4th Jan at 4.30pm to allow the public to speak and for the Parish Councillors to discuss and decide, in public their response to the planning application.  The date is the only time that the Village Hall does not have a prior booking.  The Parish Council will make comments, but as it has been stressed many times, individual comments on the Stratford District Council website, or in writing are the best way to get your views across.  Here is the link.


You can contact me on brailesparishclerk@outlook.com

Kind Regard


Amanda Wasdell

Clerk (Brailes Parish Council)