Unit Tea.com

Come along and join in from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, all welcome . Dates for 2024 in the Pavilion, behind the Village Hall . Wednesdays:



March 13th

April 10th

May 8th

June 12th

July 10th


September 3rd (Tuesday)

October 9th


December (Christmas Party) Wednesday 4th

Village Hall & Pavilion Regulars!

Mondays 10 to 12noon – Badminton  

Mondays 2 to 3pm – Pilates

Tuesdays 9.15 to 10.15am – Zumba  

Tuesdays 12noon to 1pm – Pickleball  

Tuesdays 4 to 5pm – Pilates  

Tuesdays 6 to 7pm – Thai Chi   

Wednesdays 11 to 12noon – Fitsteps  

Wednesdays 7 to 8pm – Yoga  

Ozzy’s Fish and Chip Van is usually outside the Hall on Wednesday evenings from 5pm

Debbie Williams will be holding various Melt classes on line and live classes on Wednesday

Thursdays 10 to 11am Funky Pants Music & Dance Kids.

Mechanical & Craft Society meet on the 1st Monday in the month at 7.30pm.   

Brownies meet term-time on Wednesday evenings in the Pavilion

The Picturehouse usually meet on the third Saturday in the month

The Gardening Club usually meet on the third Thursday in the month.   

Unit Tea usually meet in the Pavilion on the second Wednesday in the month 2.30 to 4.30pm  

Shipston Archers meet regularly on the Field outside the Pavilion in the summer and indoors in the Hall in winter.   

U3A Jazz Group meet in the Pavilion every Thursday afternoon.

Village Hall & Pavilion Contact:  Lisa Bryan 07800 771368/email steveandlisabryan@btinternet.com