Category Archives: Community Events

Public Notices from Brailes Parish Council:

Warwickshire County Council Climate emergency engagement questionnaire

WCC engagement questionnaire

As a county council we want Warwickshire to be the best it can be, sustainable now and for future generations.

“Our vibrant economy must be sustained. Traditional sources of council funding are diminishing, and our environment is under threat. The council has declared a climate change emergency and we want your views about how we can address this to ensure Warwickshire’s future sustainability.”

Over the coming weeks please do engage with us, respond to our questionnaire (deadline 20th October), and talk to us at one of our October roadshows.

How to take part online questionnaire<>

For paper copy phone 01826 738838 or email (<>)

For your information as advised by the Parish Council

The Flood watch group have arranged for a drone survey to take place in Brailes therefore drones may be seen overhead on 4th – 6th September 2019.

From WCC.
With regards to the drone survey, we will be flying areas 2 and 3 first and looking to meet up and start at about 9:30 in Orchard Close.  As ever all are welcome to come down have a chat and see what the drone can do

Flying areas  No 2 and 3 will cover Sutton Brook from the top of the Floodplain field, (99 steps field), down over Brailes House grounds to the main Road, so minimum flying over houses.

If any enquiries please contact the Parish Clerk